venerdì 3 maggio 2013

The Socialism 2013 a splendid opportunity!

 Millions of people have come to the understanding that capitalism is no longer working. From extreme weather caused by climate change and the relentless drive to slash workers’ living standards to the epidemic of police brutality, the signs of a society in crisis are all around us. The question isn’t whether society has run amok; the question is what to do about it.The Socialism 2013 conference will bring together hundreds of activists from across the U.S., and around the world, to tackle the many discussions and debates that confront anyone interested in changing the world. How can women’s liberation and LGBT equality be won? What will it take to win real justice for immigrant workers? Can organized labor make a comeback? What lessons can be learned from the revolutions shaking the Middle East? Why is Marxism relevant today?
Featured speakers include teachers on the front lines of the fight to defend public education, anti-racist fighters against police brutality and the New Jim Crow, trade unionists, Marxist authors, radical historians, and much more. Start making your plans to attend.
…ok, lo so, è scritto in inglese, ma non ho voglia di tradurre una cosa che, nella sostanza, mi sembra semplice: Il capitalismo, così come lo conosciamo noi, non funziona più. Che fare? Questa la domanda alla quale migliaia di giovani socialisti ( ce ne sono ancora credetemi!!!) cercheranno di dare una riposta pragmatica e sostenibile.
Potrei esserci anche io tra loro. Ma non sono più giovane.
Portatevi, se andate, letture di Orwell e Sodati, musiche di Billy Bragg e Style Council!
C u there folk!
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